Smart & Secure News

How to save money on your heating bills? Speed Comfort Radiator Fans


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Over lockdown, many of us have seen our energy bills rise due to being at home a lot more, and now with the recent increases in gas prices being described as a ‘National crisis’, it makes sense to look at everything we can to bring down gas usage, bills and our carbon footprint.

So, what can we do to reduce these bills and emissions?

Smart radiator ventilators from SpeedComfort can help increase the efficiency of your heating system – whatever system feeds your radiators or convector heaters.

The SpeedComfort products not only decrease energy usage but also help increase comfort in the home by moving heat from the radiator into the room more quickly & efficiently. The SpeedComfort smart radiator ventilators move heat from the radiator into the air, so there is less residual heat in the radiator when the room is at your desired temperature. This results in a more even temperature across the whole room – not just focused around the radiator itself. Normally, as warm air rises it usually remains close to the ceiling, but with SpeedComfort, the warm air is distributed throughout the whole room more effectively.

SpeedComfort helps contribute to significantly saving money on your energy bills. This is because of several innovative properties – for example, SpeedComfort results in a lower supply temperature required from the central heating water, which saves gas and money. Using a lower temperature of the central heating water means less heat loss in pipes. Also, thanks to the SpeedComfort, the room is also brought to your required temperature faster, meaning the boiler does not need to run for so long.

So how do you choose the best SpeedComfort product for you?

A single standard unit fits radiators with 70 – 90mm (2.75 – 3.5in) width between panels. The Mono Set covers 40cm (16in) of the radiator length, the Duo 80cm (32in) and the Trio 120cm (48in). By using extension kits, you can cover larger radiators if needed. If you need guidance, call us or drop into our smart home showroom.


OK – so you have your SpeedComfort – how do you install it?

To start with it is a much simpler installation than most systems – just slot the unit in that is then held by adjustable magnets.

Once set up, you are ready just to switch the SpeedComfort on and immediately start to reduce your bills and enjoy a more comfortable living environment.

At The Smart & Secure Centre, we also carry a range of products from Hive, Tado and Google Nest that can turn your current heating system into a Smart Heating System. Some advantages of such systems are they can heat different parts of your home at different temperatures and times and that they can ever figure out when you are on your way home and start to raise the temperature so you are not walking into a cold home.

To find out more about Smart Heating Systems and the SpeedComfort range of products visit us at 93 Dudley Road, Halesowen B63 3NS to speak to our knowledgable staff in our well-ventilated smart home showroom, call us on 01384 900 262 or visit the product page here.